Sunday, 20 January 2013

2-4-6-8-Motorway - Tom Robinson Band

Yes, I said this will be a daily blog and yes, I have missed out two days. Simple reason being that I wasn't at home and didn't have a laptop and had infuriatingly limited internet access. I was going to go back and fill in my missing days and had even decided songs, but you know what? I don't think that would count so no. That's not happening. Instead I shall say that I hope you've had a lovely weekend and present you with today's Song of the Day : 
2-4-6-8 Motorway by Tom Richardson Band. 

It's a song from the 70s and is a real "mans" song about trucking and being on the open road (despite Tom Robinson actually being bisexual). But it's really catchy and I actually woke up with it in my head and there it has stayed. Overall, I wouldn't say it's an amazing song - the lyrics aren't exactly inspired and other than the pretty good guitar solo in the middle, it's got a pretty simple and repetitive base etc. But that doesn't mean I don't love it. It really reminds me of one of my friends that's pretty much attached to her car and loves driving around blasting music and shouting along, so now I always think of her when it plays. The chorus was made to shout along to and despite me saying it's not a very good song, it really really is.
Favourite Lyrics : 
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 
Ain't ever too late. 
Me and my radio truckin' on through the night. 
3 - 5 - 7 - 9 
On a double white line. 
Motorway sun comin' up with the morning light. 

M x

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