Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The Other Woman - Caro Emerald

Take my hand for a second and stroll down the steps of an underground bar where there's dim lighting and perfume and red and Martini glasses and oh, peering across the bar through the thick smoke coming from cigerettes in cigerette holders that you find only adds to the atmosphere, who's that crooning into an old school microphone on the small stage?
Her name is Caro Emerald and the song is The Other Woman.

You don't get ,music like this much any more. It's not too mainstream although she had an album - "Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor" - that was pretty successful, she's not very well known in England. Caro is a Dutch singer that has a voice that is just so incredibly beautiful. She doesn't need complicated melodies or overpowering music to make her songs enchanting and her voice just suits the whole "cheated  woman" or "bitter love" so well. Don't get me wrong, she has a number of songs that are pretty damn cheery and I love to listen to when getting ready to go out etc, but I personally like her slightly darker songs more; the ones with the deep bases and haunting saxophones. Gorgeous. 
I couldn't decide between The Other Woman and Just One Dance for the song today because they've both been played constantly since I got home, but I eventually decided that The Other Woman was the lucky track. The story being told is lovely and you can just picture her warning off a younger woman who thinks she has her claws in her man. It all seems very sordid and there's always been the picture of downtown Chicago 20's style gangster wife in the back of my head when I've listened to it. There is definitely a lot of smoke and darkness and black and white there. It's just one of those songs that has that beautiful dark undertone that I honestly cannot resist. 
Caro has a beautiful voice and I love the old jazzy feel to her music that seems like she would have been performing with a horn band in pinstripe suits and shades, her face half concealed by an oversized hat. It's a sort of modern/old mix that I would really love to hear more of. 
Favourite Lyrics : 
At the start of his goodbye,
Do you ever realize,
That you never get the chance,
 All you get is alibis. 
When smoke beings to fade, 
And you're standing face to face, 
Does he kiss you in the way to say, 
You're the other Woman? 

She can be found on twitter at @Caroemerald
M x 

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